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AAEA Inaugural Celebration

2024 AAEA Summit

on June 8 at Rutgers Business School

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We succeed, we are AAEA

We succeed, We are AAEA

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About AAEA

Asian American Entrepreneur Association (AAEA) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that bridges innovators, entrepreneurs, investors, artists and educators together to create value for our members.

AAEA aims to develop a large and professional network of Asian American entrepreneurs and provide resources across the country, fostering industry and economic growth. We incubate and support Asian American start-ups and young entrepreneurs in their specialty field.

AAEA connects projects and investment, bridging entrepreneurs with funding resources at various stages. We offer mentoring, training, and support to AAEA members, helping their projects succeed from start to finish.

AAEA promotes the entrepreneurial and leadership spirit among young Asian American generations, fostering recognition and integration of both US and their ancestral cultures.

AAEA connects entrepreneurs with funding sources to support their project development.